So How Does It Work?

We create a multifaceted cold outreach program that’s unique for each client. Because one size does not fit all. It's the way you always wanted lead generation to work.

Here’s What That Looks Like

We Work With You To Find Your Perfect Audience Who Already Want Your Offering

You know who your ideal client is, right?

You know what they look like and where they hang out. We take that information and use it to source an unlimited number of those people for your leads list.

Then we start researching that audience to find what they’re already buying and what angles and messaging they’re responding to.

This tells us how to get them to respond about your offer.

Then, We Put You In A Category

of One With A Golden Offer

It’s much easier to sell when you don’t have competitors, isn’t it?

We take your product and service and create a Golden Offer. This is a way of positioning you as a leader in your market, completely singular, so it’s hard for prospects to say no and not be interested.

Next, We Get Your Golden Offer In Front Of That Perfect Audience At As High A Volume As Possible

Perfect Audience + Golden Offer

+ Volume = Lots And Lots Of Closes

Imagine getting that offer in front of 1500 people a day. Or 3000. Or ten thousand. It’s all up for grabs. And we test and tweak as we go to make sure you’re always getting the most responsive leads possible.

AI Follows Up On Your Behalf

Jeeves, our AI follow up bot, keeps in touch with your potential clients and helps us book them onto your calendar. Then once you’ve spoken to them, Jeeves stays in touch with them to keep YOU top of mind.

We Manage All Responses & Follow Ups & Book Calls Directly Onto Your Calendar

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